Three teams competed against each other in an exciting competition focused on clean tech innovation on April 3rd at YES!Delft. They provided some really fantastic solutions to address environmental problems. The program attracted a lot of attention, as seen by the 40 registrants, showing a strong dedication to improving sustainable solutions. The jury? Yes, they were excellent; speakers included representatives from Graduate Entrepreneur, Bird & Bird, Green TU, and Biosphere Solar. The event was more than just a competition because of YES!Delft's vibrant environment for businesses and innovation; it was an opportunity for everyone to network and become geeky about clean tech.
The money provided by Stud played a crucial role in organizing the event, allowing for the seamless execution of various aspects of CleanTech challenge . Firstly, it covered the expenses associated with securing the venue at YES!Delft, ensuring a vibrant and conducive environment for the participants and attendees. The money provided by the fund opened an exciting opportunity to organize a networking event alongside the main activities. This networking session featured small snacks and drinks, creating a relaxed and engaging atmosphere for participants to connect, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships. Overall, the fund's contribution not only enabled the event to take place but also enhanced its quality and impact.